Laurel Gitlen


MARCH 5 - APRIL 16, 2022
OPENING MARCH 5, 12 - 8pm

David Byrd, Owen Fu, Ryan McLaughlin, Dianna Molzan, Yu Nishimura, Adrianne Rubenstein, Tara Walters

This exhibition brings together seven painters whose work explores real, fictional and imagined spaces: painterly space, psychological space, meditative space, geographic and cosmic space. In turns odd, melancholic, humorous, twee, breezy, sublime, and absurd, the works in the show share an attitude more than any unifying style or subject matter. Painting and its ability to resist legibility, to contain multitudes of conflicting emotions, to craft truths and lies, and to oscillate between medium and image, is one central concern. But more significantly each artist in this exhibition manipulates space in their own idiosyncratic and mysterious ways confounding illusions of depth with marks that rest right on the surface like jam, dismantling depth of field with clunky angles and knowing omissions, and theatrical op-art tactics that read like a formal joke. The paintings in this exhibition open up possibilities to hide things, to describe feelings, to locate desire, to dream, and to consider spaces beyond terrestrial limits.”

Tara Walters (b. 1990, Washington D.C., lives and works in Los Angeles, CA) Tara Walters makes large scale paintings using oil-based paints, pure pigment, and saltwater from the Pacific Ocean. Stained, rubbed, and subtly iridescent, Walters’ paintings combine swelling movement and transparency, optical effects that mirror her interest in celestial bodies, prismatic auras, and other sublime and romantic visions. Recent works depict gardens, secret gates (with skeleton keys), hot air balloons, butterflies, and hidden woodland creatures, imagery that is fantastic, magic and symbolic. Walters received a BFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA; and an MFA from the Art Center College of Art. Her recent solo show, Dropping In (Kristina Kite Gallery, Los Angeles) was included in Jack Bankowsky’s “Top Ten of 2021” for Artforum.